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News Smart Automation

Fall Of The Wall Between OT And IT

Fall Of The Wall Between OT And IT

Operation Technology (OT) was the name given to the software for the shop floor, for production. The software in the offices and in management was called Information Technology (IT). In between...

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OT versus IT? No. Composable versus monoliths!

OT versus IT? No. Composable versus monoliths!

The terms Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) stood for strictly separate worlds in the manufacturing industry. Then there was the theory that there would be a convergence....

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The X Factor In Smart Automation

The X Factor In Smart Automation

An encouraging article in the FAZ Stephan Finsterbusch published an article entitled "The X-Factor" in the FAZ on April 23, 2014, on the Hannover Messe. The article is encouraging when looking at...

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