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Open, Linux-based smart automation platforms. App stores for manufacturing, logistics, service, IoT.
Transparent communication instead of rigid wiring and programmed connections.
Who offers what?

Smart Automation-Market – Open Platforms for Industry Apps

A new market for smart automation solutions has emerged. Customers’ strict dependence on device manufacturers is being replaced by open standards. Data and apps make new added value possible.

Real-time Linux is the basis. Communication via API is the new norm. Additions, adaptations and additional developments from manufacturers, customers and partners can be implemented quickly with Smart Automation. This gives the industry the flexibility and agility it needs.

This market overview of Smart Automation platforms provides brief information on the individual providers. It also provides a comparison of the platforms, their fields of application, interoperability and target markets.

Marktübersicht Smart Automation

Bosch Rexroth: ctrlX AUTOMATION

FLECS Technologies: FLECS

German Edge Cloud: ONCITE DPS

Hilscher: netFIELD

KEBA Industrial Automation: Kemro X

Lenze SE: Nupano

Phoenix Contact: PLCnext Technology

SALZ Automation: SALZ Controller

TTTech Digital Solutions: Ubique

TTTech Industrial Automation: Nerve


Weidmüller: easyConnect / u-OS


The Linux-based operating system ctrlX OS of ctrlX AUTOMATION is certified in accordance with IEC 623443 and is hardware-independent.

The platform offers additional security through integrated user and rights management as well as security certification of the apps and access to the ctrlX data layer.

A rapidly growing number of apps are available in the ctrlX Store. The partner world ctrlX World is part of the ecosystem and adds hardware and apps to ctrlX AUTOMATION.

Depending on the software product, the license model provides for one-off, monthly or annual payments.


ONCITE DPS is the cloud-native technology and digitalization platform from German Edge Cloud based on Linux and implemented with Red Hat OpenShift.

It is used by Rittal, Schuler and other customers to manage production and ensures data connection and transparency.

The increased security precautions of OpenShift apply to the platform.

In addition to its own infrastructure, ONCITE DPS also relies on offerings from AWS, IBM and Red Hat, but is technologically independent.

The license model is Software as a Service.


Hilscher has stood for pioneering automation solutions for more than 36 years.

Since then, the family-owned company has grown into a leading global provider of industrial communication – with 13 branches in 11 countries and over 400 employees.

Hilscher supports its global customers with innovative products and services for networking their devices, machines and systems.

The solutions range from PC-based Real-Time Ethernet and fieldbus networks to edge solutions and the cloud.


Kemro X offers its own operating system based on Linux and Kubernetes, which customers can also use for third-party hardware. The platform has a modular structure. KEBA attaches great importance to its ease of use.

A variety of development environments and programming languages are supported.

In terms of infrastructure, Kemro X supports Microsoft Azure and AWS.

In addition to software as a service, software licenses can be purchased annually and per device.



Lenze NUPANO is a Linux-based platform. For containerized apps of any origin and programming, Lenze offers deployment and software management in the NUPANO Cloud.

For security, Lenze offers encrypted communication, encrypted file storage, public key infrastructure, secure pairing (between cloud and edge device), user management and two-factor authentication.

NUPANO uses AWS as the infrastructure provider.

The platform can be licensed either as Software as a Service or annually.

PLCnext Technology

The Linux-based PLCnext Technology platform supports the development of apps with PLCnext Engineer with a free choice of programming languages, including high-level languages.

PLCnext Control has been certified in accordance with IEC 62443-4-1 and IEC 62443-4-2-SL2 and other security management methods. PLCnext Control can access Microsoft Azure, AWS or Google Cloud in addition to its own PROFICLOUD.

The functional scope of PLCnext Control can be variably adapted using software add-ins or apps from the PLCnext Store.


UBIQUE is an automation system for machine core automation and plant engineering.

All automation disciplines are available, from software engineering to real-time motion and safety.

This is made possible by a hardware-independent automation operating system based on an open multi-core / multi-OS platform.

Engineering is cloud-based or on-premise.
UBIQUE makes you independent of hardware suppliers.

TTTech Digital Solutions GmbH is part of the TTTech Group with headquarters in Vienna and more than 2,000 employees.


WAGO offers two Linux-based platforms. Both platforms can be used for the 750 Series portfolio.

As a system- and technology partner of Bosch Rexroth, WAGO continues to develop and use ctrlX OS.

WAGO OS is a proprietary platform that is also based on real-time capable Linux. In addition to solutions from the network of WAGO Solution Providers and IoT partners, open source solutions from the Docker Hub or in-house developments, e.g. in CODESYS, can also be used here.

Security in accordance with IEC 62443-4-2 and the European Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).

Licenses monthly, annually or as a one-off payment.

easyConnect / u-OS

Weidmüller’s open platform offering is based on three pillars: the easyConnect industrial service platform, the u-OS runtime platform and a growing portfolio of software solutions.

Containerised apps from technology partners such as CODESYS or Siemens can be installed and used via the u-OS app hub and any container can be integrated via the open u-OS operating system.

Weidmüller supports app development with open interfaces and software such as PROCON-WEB or Industrial AutoML.

Secure access to remote systems and machines via u-link. Roles and rights for security. In addition to SaaS, monthly and annual licences.


SALZ Controller

The SALZ Controller solution is based on a real-time Linux that is adapted to the requirements of automation technology and was developed in accordance with IEC 62443.

Data Exchange Layer Technology (D.E.L.) simplifies data access between third-party applications and makes communication highly securely configurable.

The app store, which already contains applications from various manufacturers, is powered by FLECS Technologies.

SALZ is licensed as Software as a Service, on a monthly or annual basis. In individual cases, depending on the solution, a mixture of these.


Flecs is a Linux-based solution, open for third-party app development with a wide variety of supported development tools.

It has its own open runtime environment.

For security, FLECS offers various certificates, highly secure Unix access, role-based user management and data point-centric approval processes. Security alarms can be booked for single platforms.

FLECS is cloud-agnostic and can be used with the infrastructures of all hyperscalers and hypervisors.

FLECS Technologies offers an annual license or buyout as a licensing model.


Nerve is an open, Linux-based platform with its own runtime environment and supports the use of third-party hardware. All common development environments and programming tools are supported.

For security, Nerve was developed in accordance with IEC 62443-4-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 and offers additional functions such as secure remote access and role-based user management.

Nerve uses Microsoft Azure as its infrastructure.

The platform is licensed as software as a service or on a monthly basis.

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