SMART AUTOMATION market overview – the platforms at a glance
Smart Automation Market Overview – The Platforms
This page of the Smart Automation Market Overview compares the platforms with each other: The first table shows important fields of application; the second looks at aspects of interoperability; the third looks at the target markets that the providers are primarily addressing with the platforms.
The Smart Automation Market Overview is independent and vendor-neutral. It is based on a survey in which the listed providers took part in December 2024 and January 2025.
The Smart Automation Market Overview and the survey on which it is based are continuously being developed. Monitoring the market for open industrial platforms is the central thematic focus of the news portal Industrie-Digitalisierung.
Important changes are updated promptly after manufacturers report them. The Smart Automation Market Overview is updated about every six months after the Hannover Fair and the SPS expo.
Sub Pages of individual manufacturers provide detailed information on the special features of their solutions and offerings. The Sub Pages reflect the position and market view of the respective supplier.
Fields of application
Some of the areas of application in which the platforms differ. Some fields of application that apply to all of them are not listed here, such as condition monitoring, remote access, service or IoT.
The table shows what functionality the platforms offer in terms of openness and collaboration.
Target markets
Not every platform is suitable for every industry segment. This table shows who the manufacturers are primarily targeting with their platforms.
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