Press release sendlercircle
Munich, October 13, 2022 – Since 1995, the sendler\circle has been a circle that connects providers of IT innovation for the industry in Germany. At the same time, it offers itself as a kind of information hub where members and guests can learn about the latest trends and technologies via protagonists from research, IT and industry.
After mechanical CAD, product lifecycle management (PLM) has become an important innovation driver over the past 20 years and has by no means lost this role. New drivers are now emerging, because the demands on industry are changing radically, and the reasons are manifold.
The connecting of machines and factories is moving to center stage, as is the changed use of industrial products as the basis for digital functions and services, usually referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). Companies can only counter this with a fundamental digital transformation: Their IT landscape is facing an upheaval that is more comparable to the replacement of drawing boards with on-screen design than to the introduction of PLM strategies.
Industrial software remains the most important tool for the digital transformation of industry. But IT no longer consists of a manageable number of monolithic systems, but of a barely containable variety of solution approaches that make equally diverse contributions to the digital transformation of industry.
Industry can no longer be content with optimally supporting individual processes with IT. It must comprehensively readjust its organization, its work methodology and its tools in order to be as flexible, agile and competitive itself as the market now demands.
The IT industry is already responding by standardizing infrastructures and transforming their systems into composable functional components, by making their solutions more easily portable and by opening up existing technology platforms to their customers.
The sendlercircle accompanies this development and invites providers of all types of industrial software to network. In addition to pure IT providers, this also includes providers of new industrial services, whether they go to market product-based or as an offering in the cloud.
The overarching goals of the circle remain the same: To always understand the digitalization of industry by its pioneers and most innovative drivers, and to offer these innovators themselves a comfortable place to exchange ideas and network.
Currently, the sendlercircle consists of the following companies (in alphabetical order):
DSC Software AG, ECS Engineering Software & Solutions, Eplan Software und Service, ICP Solution, oose Innovative Informatik, PROSTEP AG, Revalize Software, Siemens Digital Industries Software.