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This section focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in industry. Following the spread of this technology to smartphones and in the consumer sector, AI is currently developing into an important driver of industrial innovation. Perhaps comparable to the impact of the use of CAD in the 1980s and 1990s.

It seems appropriate that industry decision-makers should look at the opportunities and risks, that they should look at the opportunities that AI provides for their companies, for their products, for their production, for their customers. This section is intended to provide material for this.

In August 2020 my new book “AI Compass for Decision Makers” will be published (in German language) by Hanser Verlag, Munich (978-3-446-46295-3). It sheds light on the fundamental questions of the concepts, origin and state of the art of artificial intelligence. And it offers practical material from industry and research: ABB, Dassault Systèmes, it’s OWL, Siemens and the Machine Tool Laboratory of the RWTH Aachen University (mentioned in alphabetical order) have contributed much from their respective research and development in their own chapters.

Here in this section, various contributions will deal with individual aspects of the book in advance to whet the readers’ appetite. But they will also go beyond the book, because the rubric is being created now and begins to live while the book is already in production.

In the “Background” section of the portal, this rubric is in good hands. After all, there is a lot of interesting background information that is hard to find in the usual media, even in the industry’s specialist media. For example, there will be an article here about the definition of “Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence” by a high-ranking group of experts, which was compiled by the EU Commission. The same expert group has written guidelines for trustworthy AI, which, like the definition, were published by the EU Commission in spring 2019. And there are already reactions to these guidelines from ABB, IBM and others, about which you will hardly find anything in the daily and business press.

Anyone who has suggestions for this complex of topics, who can already report on experiences with the development or use of industrial AI – the portal is looking forward to contributions that will be gladly reviewed and published.

Just as the book “KI-Kompass für Entscheider” wants to be an orientation aid for decision-makers in a new topic for the assessment of new methods and tools, this rubric of the portal should also be something like a compass.